

Ingglish mining / English meaning;
when (question word)

Hau yu ridim brom Ingglish / how to read it in English:

Langa sentens / Example sentence:
1. Wotaim imin gubek? / When did he/she/it return?
2. Wotaim rein garra kaman? / When will the rain come?
3. Wotaim yu bin bon? Wotaim bethdei bla yu? / When were you born? When is your birthday?



Ingglish mining / English meaning;
1. cousin (general meaning)
2. mother's brother's kids and father's sister's kids or anybody with the same skin name as them (specific meaning)

Hau yu ridim brom Ingglish / how to read it in English:

Langa sentens / Example sentence:
1. Gibit la yu barn.ga jeya / Give it to your cousin there
2. Minbala yu barn.ga bin go jeya / Your cousin and I went there
3. Yu bla main barn.ga / You are my cousin



Ingglish mining / English meaning;

Hau yu ridim brom Ingglish / how to read it in English:

Langa sentens / Example sentence:
1. Yu baiyim main nyuspeipa burru Katherrain / Buy me a newspaper from Katherine
2. Ai bin luk yu foto la nyuspeipa / I saw your photo in a/the newspaper
3. Yu gin barnim det nyuspeipa, im olwan dumaji / You can burn that newspaper because it's old



Ingglish mining / English meaning;
thin, skinny

Hau yu ridim brom Ingglish / how to read it in English:

Langa sentens / Example sentence:
1. Yu bin bouniwan bifo bat najing na / You were skinny before, but not anymore
2. Im bouniwan, ngabi? / He/she is skinny, isn't he/she?
3. Brabli bouniwan det olgamen / That old lady is really thin



Ingglish mining / English meaning;
1. thusly
2. and so on

Hau yu ridim brom Ingglish / how to read it in English:

Langa sentens / Example sentence:
1. "Mi munanga", yu lagijat / Say "I'm a whitefella"
2. Yuuu, lagijat na! / Yeah, that's the way!
3. Olkain imin baiyim: telabijin, teip, sidimob, dibidi, lagijat / He/she bought all sorts of things: a television, a stereo, CDs, DVDs, and so on.



Ingglish mining / English meaning;
to fall, to fall down, to fall over

Hau yu ridim brom Ingglish / how to read it in English:

Langa sentens / Example sentence:
1. Det kap garra buldan / The cup is going to fall over
2. Ei, imin buldan la mad, bobala / Hey, he/she/it fell in the mud, poor thing
3. Yu mubum o im garra buldan bambai / Move it or it will fall over eventually



Ingglish mining / English meaning:
me and him/her/it

Hau yu ridim brom Ingglish / how to read it in English:

Langa sentens / Example sentence:
1. Minbala bin jidan na Jembrei / We (me and another person) lived at Jilkminggan
2. Yu garra luk minbala kantri / You're going to see our (me and his/her/its) homeland/traditional country
3. Minbala bin bogi la loulebul / We (me and him/her/it) swam at Low Level



Ingglish mining / English meaning:
to go away, to leave, to depart

Hau yu ridim brom Ingglish / how to read it in English:

Langa sentens / Example sentence:
1. Wotaim imin guwei? / When did he/she/it go away?
2a. Yu guwei burrum jeya! / Get away from there! (Roper Kriol)
2b. Yu guwei from jeya! / Get away from there! (general Kriol)
3. Thei bin guwei na / Then, they left.



Ingglish mining / English meaning;
dog, dogs

Hau yu ridim brom Ingglish / how to read it in English:

Langa sentens / Example sentence:
1. Thei garrim lorra dog / They have a lot of dogs
2. Dog bin baitim mi / A dog bit me
3. Tjikiwan dog jeya! / There's an aggressive dog there!



Ingglish mining / English meaning;
in the afternoon

Hau yu ridim brom Ingglish / how to read it in English:

Langa sentens / Example sentence:
1. Ai garra kambek aftanuntaim / I'll return in the afternoon
2. Aftanuntaim yunmi go jeya / You and I will go there in the afternoon
3. Aftanuntaim ai bin luk det sambodi / I saw that person in the afternoon